Zhu Geliang, a character he is known to every family, the incarnation of wisdom and praised. He was in Liu Beixing Fu of Han Dynasty industry "the essence of his bow," devoted all his life. But is it really worthwhile for him to do this? Liu Chan, the son of Liu Bei, in succession after the death of Liu Bei become emperor of Shu, the military affairs appointed to Zhu Geliang, he did not what performance is a cowardly and incompetent monarch, Liu Bei knows he is not fit to be king, so in his deathbed, he entrusted to Zhu Geliang, let Zhu Geliang to help him complete the Renaissance Han industry, when necessary, can also be replaced. But Liu Chan's incompetent. In the early stage of his reign, he mainly relied on Zhu Geliang to govern the state affairs. Thanks to Liu Chan, the number of attacks in the opportunity he was ruined, the precarious position of shu. In fact, if Zhu Geliang replaced Liu Chan at the critical moment, he would not blame him. But because he is a foolish loyal to Liu Chan, and even know Liu Chan's fatuous incompetence, also refused to betray Liu Zen, this is subserviency. It is because of Zhu Geliang's loyalty and Liu Chan's incompetence, Shu eventually went extinct. If Zhu Geliang was a prince, I think that the fate of Shu may not be such. So Zhu Geliang's insistence is not worth copying and learning, and his efforts are of no value.
William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (February 23, 1868 – August 27, 1963) was an American civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, sociologist, historian, author, and editor. Historian David Levering Lewis wrote, "In the course of his long, turbulent career, W. E. B. Du Bois attempted virtually every possible solution to the problem of twentieth-century racism— scholarship, propaganda, integration, national self-determination, human rights, cultural and economic separatism, politics, international communism, expatriation, third world solidarity." The first African-American graduate of Harvard University, where he earned his Ph.D in History, Du Bois later became a professor of history and economics at Atlanta University. He became the head of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1910, becoming founder and editor of the NAACP's journal The Crisis. Du Bois rose to national attention in his opposition of Booker T. Washington's ideas of social integration between whites and blacks, campaigning instead for increased political representation for blacks in order to guarantee civil rights, and the formation of a Black elite that would work for the progress of the African American race.
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