
英译汉句子1 China has tens of thousands of joint ventures and representati offices of foreign firms 中国拥有数以万计的合资企业和外企代表处 2 Occasionally disputes have arisen between labor and management in some of these

  1.China has tens of thousands of joint ventures and representative offices of foreign firms.


2.Occasionally disputes have arisen between labor and management in some of these enterprises on matter of pay and benefits, wording conditions, hours of work and other management issues.

这些企业有时会因收入待遇工作条件、工作时间等问题,以及其他一些管理 问题的出现,而产生劳资纠纷。外语学习网

3.Many of these disputes are attribute to the differences in the cultural background between the work force and management.


4.McDonald’s Restaurant has established reputation for its management style, hourly rates of pay, its smiling assistants and social and public welfare activities.

麦当劳餐厅以其特有的管理风格,计时制报酬,微笑服务员和社会公共福利 方面建立了良好的声誉。

5.Its Beijing branch in the city’s downtown Wangfujing Street opened for business in April 1992.

1992 年 4 月它的位于北京市中心的王府井大街北京分店正式开张。


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