
学习的英语作文优秀不去耕耘 不去播种 再肥的沃土也长不出庄稼 不去奋斗 不去创造 再美的青春也结不出硕果 以下是小编带来的关于学习的英语作文 希望对你有帮助 关于学习的英语作文 一 Once Chairman Mao said one is never too old to learn his famous words inspire people to keep learning all

  不去耕耘 ,不去播种,再肥的沃土也长不出庄稼,不去奋斗,不去创造,再美的青春也结不出硕果。以下是小编带来的关于学习的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。


Once Chairman Mao said one is never too old to learn, his famous words inspire people to keep learning all their lives. Since we are small, we study at school, then we have to learn until we are at college, after graduate from college, we finish our education in the school.Then the new stage comes, we start to work, making money, learning knowledge seems unnecessary to us. This is totally wrong, we learn all the time, even we are out of school, we have lessons from life. Life is a big topic, we have to learn it all the time. We have to deal with trouble, learning to make friends and accept fail. All these things we will not learn at school, we have to learn by ourselves, we are students and teachers. If you think you finish learning after school, you are narrow minded.


Lifelong English(终身学习) With the development of society, the lifelong education becomes more importent and more importent.There are much more competition in daily life ,so we must keep on learning.

Lifelong education has various styles. On one hand, we can learn all by ourselves, and exchange frequently with others. Also, in this way , we can enter for the self-education examination. On the other hand, we should join some evening classes to learn new contents, to improve our learning level.

In my opinion, I would like to enter for the self-education to learn new things in order that I can get some diplomas. Because I think many diplomas will help me to strenghten my ability and get a better job.


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